Born: 06/02/16 Sex: Male Color: Fawn Odin is imported from Norway, breeder Elisabeth Juverud WINNER: BISS Baby – Belgium Clubmatch 2016...
Born: 22/02/2015 Sex: Male Color: Fawn Breeder/owner: Inge Wilmsen & Jolien Deneweth
Born: 08/02/2013 Sex: Female Color: Fawn WINNER: Belgian Junior Champion Lux. Junior Champion Belgian Champion Dutch Champion Lux. Champion...
The puppies are born in our living room and grow up in the midst of our family together with our other pugs. After the breast-feeds from their...
Born: 05/11/2014 Sex: Male Color: Fawn DNA certificaat Breeder: Inge Wilmsen / Owner: Inge Wilmsen, Jolien Deneweth, Sylvia Ottenbros-Lurken...
Born: 19/11/2014 Sex: Female Color: Fawn WINNER: Belgian Junior Champion Lux. Junior Champion
Born: 31/10/2011 Sex: Male Color: Fawn Viking is import Norway, breeder Elisabeth Juverud WINNER: Belgian Junior Champion Dutch Junior Champion...